Search Forrest Guitar Ensembles

This is to help defray the costs of maintaining a website and the production of scores.


York Guitar
Quartet CDs

Forrest Guitar Ensembles offers a range
of music composed and transcribed
for guitars and other instruments

It encompasses a range of styles and levels including guitar ensembles
for schools, amateur groups and for more advanced performers.


The different ensembles are grouped as follows:-

Niibori Orchestras
Other Ensembles

Audio Files

Some of these are just the products of the Dorico/Sibelius notation software (used with very little skill!). There are links to York Guitar Quartet playing some of the pieces and to some done rather amateurishly by myself - but at least it should give some idea of what the pieces sound like.

I have put up links to the performances of other world-wide ensembles and if you have a link to a performance that you would like me to add, I should be happy to do so.


The pieces are for standard (tenor) guitars, requintos in F (1st string A), altos in G (1st string B), baritone guitars and bass guitars (a standard guitar bass - known as the contrabass in the Niibori system) in a variety of combinations.
If performed publicly, please also let the venue know the name of the piece, composer and arranger.
Within the description of each piece of music an optional instrument is indicated in enclosed brackets. For example, (rqt/gtr1) signifies that the same part is available for requinto or guitar. You may make as many prints as you like but not change anything without permission.


A grading system has been used which follows that of the internationally recognised Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and Trinity Guildhall. The system is graded from 1 to 8. Grade 9 is allocated to virtuosic pieces. So, within each individual piece of music you will find numbers indicating the degree of competence required to play each part.


The page format of these files is A4 which is that used most commonly worldwide.
The U.S.A. and wilder parts of Canada use U.S. letter which is a little wider and not so tall.
My apologies that this format produces a less than ideal printout, especially for the fuller pages.
If you would prefer parts with no fingering, please ask. Now that i am using Dorico, it is easier to do.

If you need Adobe Acrobat to read these files, click here …

Surveys & Links

For the benefit of composers and arrangers, I am gathering information about guitar ensembles worldwide.
Please visit this survey site. New information would be most welcome.

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